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    • 主演:Billy  Scam  Tiffany  Stinky  Joel  D.  Wynkoop  
    • 导演:Marcus  Koch  
    • 分类:恐怖
    • 地区:美国 
    • 年份:1999 
    • 更新:2022-11-25 19:10:44
    • 简介:Sarah has a surprise and gruesome announcement for Muzzy... she has contracted a deadly virus called the ROT which she got by sexing a dead guy from the local funeral home, and now she has passed it along to Muzzy. Slowly the two of them begin to ROT alive, spreading the insidious, flesh-melting disease to friends and foes and any unfortunate individual that es in contact with them. But Sarah and Muzzy's problems don't end there. The man responsible for their living death and the horrifying epidemic is Dr. Robert Olsen - a deranged scientist who used to work for the government's germ warfare research division. As the plague of rotting flesh accelerates out of control, the FBI and other secretive governmental agencies bee involved, and things are about to get even messier.



    Sarah has a surprise and gruesome announcement for Muzzy... she has contracted a deadly virus called the ROT which she got by sexing a dead guy from the local funeral home, and now she has passed it along to Muzzy. Slowly the two of them begin to ROT alive, spreading the insidious, flesh-melting disease to friends and foes and any unfortunate individual that es in contact with them. But Sarah and Muzzy's problems don't end there. The man responsible for their living death and the horrifying epidemic is Dr. Robert Olsen - a deranged scientist who used to work for the government's germ warfare research division. As the plague of rotting flesh accelerates out of control, the FBI and other secretive governmental agencies bee involved, and things are about to get even messier.



    • 6.0720P超清馗降:粽邪2李康生,陈博正,雷洪
    • 9.0720P超清致命弯道3Tom,Frederic,詹妮特·蒙哥马利,吉尔·科雷林,克里斯蒂安·孔特雷拉斯,杰克·库兰,汤姆·麦凯,查尔斯·维恩,塔梅尔·哈桑,杰克·戈登,路易斯·克里夫,麦克·麦克唐纳德,弗拉多·米哈伊洛夫,Tzvetislav,Samardjiev
    • 4.0720P超清鬼同你住黄又南,太保,车保罗,张达明,李丽珍,邵音音,陈湛文,文雪儿,魏秋燁,麦家琪,龙天生,艾威,杨伟伦
    • 6.0HD夜之尽头Kate,Arrington,西奥·杰曼,Daniel,Kyri
    • 10.0HD养鬼吃人6迪恩·文特斯,Ashley,Laurence,Doug,Bradley
    • 2.0超清陷阱之中大卫·拜利,罗伯特·奈尔恩,Sonya,Cullingford,Miriam,Galanti,宝拉·波腾皮,德莱娜·基德,Jude,Forsey,Jamie,Christofersen,Leila,Gauntlett,Amelia,Clay




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