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    真相的负担 第一季




    芝加哥故事 第一季




    周六夜现场 第三十三季

    • 主演:···· 
    • 导演:Don Roy King 
    • 分类:欧美综艺
    • 地区:美国
    • 年份:2007
    • 更新:2022-11-25 13:42:33
    • 简介:Saturday Night Live aired its thirty-third season, during the 2007–2008 television season on NBC.Because of the 2007–08 Writers Guild of America strike, there were only 12 episodes produced in this season instead of the usual 20 (with 4 consecutive episodes made between February 23 and March 15), making this the shortest season in the series run and beating out both the sixth (1980–1981) season and the thirteenth (1987–1988) season, which had thirteen episodes. This is also the only season in SNL history not to have a new Christmas episode, since the WGA strike spanned from November 2007 to February 2008.No changes to the cast happened over the summer and everyone from last season returned. During the strike, long-time castmember Maya Rudolph left the show, as she had no contract with SNL that year. Casey Wilson, an actress and writer who frequently performs at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater, was hired in January 2008 to fill the void, but due to the strike, did not appear on the show until they returned on February 23, 2008.On November 5, 2007, after the episode hosted by Brian Williams, the Writers Guild of America went on strike. It was announced that SNL would air its next episode on November 10, 2007 (with host The Rock and musical guest Amy Winehouse), live on air, with a future episode to follow, featuring Jonah Hill and musical guest Kid Rock. However, on November 7, 2007, SNL's official website confirmed that those episodes were canceled and reruns would be seen beginning November 10, and would continue during the duration of the strike. The Rock/Winehouse show was canceled, along with the Jonah Hill/Kid Rock episode (though Jonah Hill would get a second opportunity, when he hosted the March 15 episode, with musical guest Mariah Carey [filling in for a flu-stricken Janet Jackson] and The Rock would host next season, with musical guest Ray LaMontagne. Amy Winehouse would never get the chance to be a musical guest, host, or even cameo due to her death in 2011).During the strike on November 17, 2007, the cast of the show, along with host Michael Cera and musical guest Yo La Tengo performed an "episode" of the show entitled Saturday Night Live - On Strike! at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre (co-founded by cast member Amy Poehler) in New York City. Every cast member except for Maya Rudolph appeared, with former cast members Horatio Sanz and Rachel Dratch and musician Norah Jones making cameo appearances.[1]On February 12, 2008, the strike was announced to be officially over with a 92.5% vote. Production continued on February 18, 2008 for the February 23, 2008 episode, hosted by former SNL cast member Tina Fey with musical guest Carrie Underwood.This season also saw the death of the show's very first host: edian/actor George Carlin. A scheduled rerun of the episode hosted by Ellen Page was replaced with a rerun of the show's very first episode, which had Carlin as host and Janis Ian and Billy Preston as musical guests.




    • 主演:远野光夏吉优子和多田美咲山根绮 
    • 导演:孙承希 Seung-hui Son 
    • 分类:日韩动漫
    • 地区:日本
    • 年份:2020
    • 更新:2022-11-25 13:13:01
    • 简介:在北国长大,憧憬大都会的白狐女子“狐丸”。 以一张甄选会的通知为契机,离开了故乡,前往独立乐队聚集的圣地,下北泽。 通过音乐交流,和伙伴们相遇,了解了梦境和现实,希望与绝望?狐丸能否遇见奇迹? 还是说… 这是梦和希望和音乐与奇迹的故事。

    银河四驱车 Scan2Go

    • 主演:未知
    • 导演:桥本みつおChan Young Park 
    • 分类:日韩动漫
    • 地区:日本
    • 年份:2010
    • 更新:2022-11-25 13:12:03
    • 简介:大堂和也、海原光树、守嶋双叶和高山大悟参加了全宇宙最热血沸腾并考验参赛者高超技术的“旋风四驱王”大赛,在漫长的赛事中遇到了来自各个星球的迷你四驱车精英,并一路过关斩将问鼎冠军宝座。后来随着实力深藏不露的赛车好手芝草志狼的加入,和也等人的战力可谓如虎添翼,继续在各种不同的赛道上驰骋并一路向前迈进。

    暴力监狱 第二季

    • 主演:TeddyCohnDavidWainRichardMathar 
    • 导演:BenGruber 
    • 分类:欧美动漫
    • 地区:美国
    • 年份:2011
    • 更新:2022-11-25 13:06:30
    • 简介:In a surreal world, a large maximum security prison, which houses thousands of dangerous inmates is run by an eccentric warden and his equally odd staff.

    独角猫! 第二季





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