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    • 主演:Aleksandr Peskov Marina Mogilevskaya Aleksandr Klukvin Anatoli Kotenyov 
    • 导演:Vitali Lukin 
    • 分类:战争
    • 地区:俄罗斯
    • 年份:2006
    • 更新:2022-11-24 20:59:12
    • 简介:本片以2000年2月29日至3月3日的真实事件改编,介绍的是一只俄罗斯军队的英勇事迹,他们以一百人对站两千人,战斗虽然以放弃告终,终于但是他们的英勇的献身精神,为本片增添了很多壮烈的色彩.主人公虽然最后都没能与亲人团聚,但是他们的事迹经历了6年,由电影人重新讲述,为的是颂扬这种对国家忠贞,无私的热爱甘愿牺牲和勇敢的精神。本片首映是在克林姆林宫进行,而且普京钦点的消灭车臣叛乱分子的统帅Dmitri Kozak出席了这次盛大的首映。要去探究战争的本意是很困难的,正义或邪恶,这世界真不能截然分开。但终于职守者总是应该获得尊重,这俄罗斯时代拍摄的影片和苏联战争片一样,充满悲情、壮烈。

    • 主演:维克多·崔 Marina Smirnova 彼得·马莫诺夫 亚历山大·巴希罗夫 
    • 导演:拉希德·努格马诺夫 
    • 分类:剧情
    • 地区:苏联
    • 年份:1988
    • 更新:2022-11-24 18:44:24
    • 简介:In the bleak filmscape of glasnost, The Needle stood out as a black sheep of a movie. The most playful and offbeat of the Soviet films of the period, it contrasted sharply to the mainstream, which was overwhelmed with revisionism of the Stalinist past and nihilistic social criticism.Made in 1988 by a young Kazakh director, Rashid Nugmanov, fresh out of VGIK (the national film school), The Needle was a pioneering effort in several ways. Having e from a remote, stagnant republic of Kazakhstan, the picture set off a movement that has e to be known as the "Kazakh New Wave." Represented by such works as Alexander Baranov's and Bakhyt Kilibayev's The Three (1988) and Woman of the Day (1990); Kilibayev's The Tick (1990); Baranov's He and She (1990); Abai Karpykov's Little Fish in Love (1989); and Serik Aprymov's The Last Stop (1989), the Kazakh New Wave was for the agonizing Soviet film of the late 1980s what the French New Wave was for the dusty French film of the late 1950s. The Needle was the movement's a bout de souffle. The film also became a model for the Russian version of postmodernism—uninhibited and uninformed, pensating for the lack of culture, skill, and resources with mischief and wit. A young man named Moro (played by Viktor Tsoi, the late rock 'n' roll legend from the St. Petersburg band "Kino") returns to his Asiatic hometown only to find his exgirlfriend, Dina (Marina Smirnova), being a drug addict and himself being involved in the bizarre life of the city's underworld. In an attempt to save Dina, Moro takes her away to the Aral Sea, turned into a barren desert by the time they arrive. There Dina seems cured, but back in town everything starts anew. Almost desperate, Moro decides to fight the drug dealers, led by a hospital doctor (played by another rock 'n' roll star, eccentric leader of the "Sound of Mu" band and the future star of Taxi Blues, Pyotr Mamonov), when one of them stabs him in a deserted park.


    • 主演:Marina Gera Sándor Csányi Laura Döbrösi 
    • 导演:Attila Szász 
    • 分类:剧情
    • 地区:匈牙利
    • 年份:2018
    • 更新:2022-11-24 16:23:49
    • 简介:1944年的圣诞节。苏联士兵入侵匈牙利,把每一个德国血统的年轻妇女从一个小村庄拖走,把她们送到苏联劳改营,强迫她们在不人道的条件下在煤矿里工作。在这里,一位匈牙利妇女Irén遇到了拉杰蒙德,拉杰蒙德决定教她如何生存。当她决心回到她的小女儿和家人身边时,历史和命运却有不同的计划:Irén和拉杰蒙德相爱了。






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